Author: MMS_WpAdmin

  • Coronavirus is Reducing Emissions, But There’s a Much Better Way

    Coronavirus is Reducing Emissions, But There’s a Much Better Way

    The novel coronavirus has completely transformed our way of living, forcing us to social distance, work from home, and even shelter in place. Society is functioning differently and through the treacherous and scary unknowns, we’ve caught the glimpse of what looks like a silver lining. Major behavior changes have forced a decline in CO2 emissions, but there’s a much healthier, more sustainable solution to reducing emissions – and that is the widespread use of geothermal heat pump systems.

    Coronavirus Could Cause the Largest Ever Annual Fall in CO2
    An analysis by Carbon Brief confirms that the COVID-19 crisis has “temporarily cut CO2 emissions in China by 25%, with emissions still below normal more than two months after the country entered lock down.” According to Carbon Brief, pre-crisis estimates suggested CO2 emissions would rise by more than 1% in 2020. Their latest estimates show that the pandemic could cause the largest-ever annual fall in CO2 emissions – more than any other period of economic crisis or world war. These (probably temporary) declines could be due to effects of the coronavirus like decreased electricity demand, limited transportation, and reduced industrial activity.

    A Much More Sustainable Solution
    The ratio between CO2 emissions and economic growth is called carbon intensity. Right now, the two outputs are closely related – meaning a suffering economy results in decreased emissions. In other words, the sudden decline in emissions that we’re seeing comes with serious negative consequences to our economy. In order to really make a positive, and sustainable difference, we need to reduce our carbon intensity and support energy-efficient, low-carbon technologies.

    There are two primary reasons why geothermal heat pump systems are a sustainable solution to reducing our carbon intensity. First, geothermal heat pumps (GHPs) require zero fossil fuel burning. Instead of heating through combustion, GHPs simply transfer the natural and constant heat from below the surface of the earth. In addition, GHPs are extremely energy efficient, with efficiencies reaching as high as 400%. A report from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), confirms the potential of GHPs finding that retrofitting all existing residential space heating, space cooling and water heating systems in US single-family homes would cut C02 emissions in single-family homes by 45.3%. These types of significant retrofits, combined with commercial retrofits, provide a sustainable solution to reducing emissions while improving economy – thus lowering carbon intensity.

    While these drastic declines in CO2 emissions are shedding a light on the prominent impact that our lifestyle has on the environment, it is likely only temporary and surely comes with negative consequences to our economy. Eventually businesses will reopen, transportation will ramp up and carbon emissions will flare. That is, unless we make great strides towards changing the structure of our energy use. It is the widespread use of energy-efficient, renewable energy technology, like GHPs, that will help to lower our carbon intensity in a beneficial and sustainable way.

  • Geothermal Energy in Retirement Facilities

    Geothermal Energy in Retirement Facilities

    Retirement facilities are a popular choice for many of our aging family members. And, just like most households, our family members in retirement facilities have unique heating and cooling needs based on their own body chemistry and health. This is precisely why some healthcare retirement facilities provide each residential unit with independent heating and air-conditioning controls. Some of these facilities still use through-the-wall units that sit under the window to draw fresh air inside and emit CO2 outside. They are ugly, noisy, inefficient, costly, and pollute our environment. They’re not an advantage to anyone.

    What other alternatives are there to regulate the heating and cooling environment in a retirement facility?

    As an example, geothermal and hybrid geothermal systems can bring fresh air through rooftop units for enhanced residential comfort at less cost, reduced noise and with fewer harmful emissions. Why settle for a system that offers so many negatives when there is a choice that offers so much more – and costs less?

  • Geothermal and Hospitals – The Perfect Energy Partners

    Geothermal and Hospitals – The Perfect Energy Partners

    It’s true, as a hospital you can lower both gas and water consumption and decrease health damaging CO2 emissions. How? By simply incorporating optimized geothermal energy into your existing and new facilities. It’s that easy! As it is, healthcare costs and risks are high enough. No hospital wants to needlessly waste money on gas and water or emit harmful CO2 to heat and cool their facility. What’s the answer? Geothermal Energy. Geothermal systems solve these issues and more if employed and used properly. A recent study of energy use by 100 Midwestern hospitals found the average usage was at two dollars and thirty-nine cents per square foot per year. The best non-geothermal was at a rate of one dollar and fifty-one cents per square foot per year. However, geothermal was the most appealing, with a rate of ninety-four cents per square foot per year. It really doesn’t take a brain surgeon to see that incorporating geothermal systems into the operation of a hospital is a better economic and healthcare practice all the way around. Better energy use means time and money can be spent on things that really matter – like patient care. Geothermal certainly sounds like a life-saving change.

  • There’s A Better Way To Raise Fish

    There’s A Better Way To Raise Fish

    Whether you are raising hatchery fish for general stocking or commercially growing fish for consumption, there is no better or more economically efficient way to maintain optimal water temperature for any fish species than with geothermal energy.

    Geothermal energy uses the natural, self-sustaining and year-round constant temperature of the earth to create optimal water temperature independent of seasonal cycles.

    Optimal water temperature can shorten breeding cycles, increase survival and growth rates, and lower restocking costs.

    Geothermal systems save up to 80% of the fuel costs needed to create optimal water temperature compared to conventional sources. They use less water, take the pressure off our wild fisheries, and increase the fresh fish supply. This also reduces transportation costs, and related pollution, as the farms can be closer to the end users.

    Geothermal fish farms increase profits, decrease costs, and make better fish. Where are your fish coming from?

  • Geothermal Technology Cuts Costs in Schools

    Geothermal Technology Cuts Costs in Schools

    Our schools have the very challenging goal of providing our youth with more education using less money. Many schools are maximizing their education dollars by reducing their operating and maintenance costs. Unfortunately, this balance is not sustainable unless schools can deliver more cost-effective and efficient heating and cooling for the students, faculty, and staff. More and more school and district managers are realizing that they can drastically reduce their operating and maintenance budgets and increase their investment in education through geothermal energy. Greensleeves has been designing, monitoring and controlling hybrid geothermal systems in schools for years, while reducing the initial upfront costs, energy bills, ambient noise, carbon emissions and optimizing the learning environment for our children. Some universities have seen more than a 50% reduction in energy costs by using hybrid geothermal systems with optimization technology. Whether you are renovating, adding on, or building a new school, geothermal systems represent the best energy efficient and sustainable option available. Have you educated yourself on these benefits?

  • Renovating with Geothermal

    Renovating with Geothermal

    Once a decision has been made to replace or upgrade an outdated HVAC system, it is time choose a system that offers the most energy-efficient options.

    Geothermal systems offer coefficients of performance between 3.4 – 6.0. That’s 340% to 600%! This is more efficient than any other HVAC system in the marketplace today.

    In addition, geothermal systems:

    • provide both heating and cooling
    • are an endless renewable energy source
    • are quieter than traditional HVAC systems
    • have a longer lifespan
    • require less maintenance when intelligent controls are included
    • produce less CO2
    • reduce energy costs

    Make your renovation an investment by upgrading your outdated HVAC system to geothermal and start saving 30 – 50% on heating and cooling for the life of your building!

  • Geothermal and the US Military – Working Together

    Geothermal and the US Military – Working Together

    US military installations support the troops protecting America’s people and our National interests at home and abroad.
    The US Energy Department has been attempting to trim the Federal government’s annual energy bill and is actively working with our military bases to reach specific energy and greenhouse gas reduction targets.
    An important function on any military base is to provide adequate housing for our personnel. Over time, some bases have found that their existing barracks are no longer sufficient to accommodate their personnel needs. As they look to renovate and add new buildings to these bases, the US military is turning to geothermal to handle their comfort air needs, with some renovations using multiple borefields.
    Greensleeves assisted in some of these renovations that utilized multiple borefields. The controls software runs the systems using an optimized sequence to meet the needs of the personnel, ensure the thermal battery remains at ideal capacity, while reducing pumping costs and overall system energy consumption.

    Optimizing our US military installations – one more way our US military and Department of Energy are fulfilling today’s mission at less cost for a better future.

  • Lowering grow house energy costs

    Lowering grow house energy costs

    The main task of grow houses is to provide optimized conditions for plant development at the least cost.

    Although most modern grow houses are exceptional at managing energy from the sun, they have been forced to use unnecessarily expensive supplemental energy from natural gas, fossil fuel, space heaters, forced air, hot water, steam, and electricity.

    Until recently, there has not been efficient technology that allows grow houses to cost-effectively use geothermal energy, in conjunction with the sun or other light source, to provide heating and cooling for optimal plant development.

    Today, however, there are software products to help design, monitor, control and optimize the geothermal or hybrid system. This is achieved by using predictive algorithms to create optimal grow house conditions and reduce installation and energy costs by up to fifty percent. The energy savings pays for the initial capital costs and the annual energy savings continues for the lifetime of every grow house using the geothermal energy source for the next fifty to hundred years.

    Optimized geothermal grow houses are sustainable, renewable and year-round climate control systems that both heat and cool grow houses at a fraction of the economic and environmental costs of traditional systems. These systems simply use less energy by maximizing their own naturally occurring and renewable constant year-round heating and cooling supply.

    Greener optimized grow houses make better plants at less cost for greater profit. Why settle for less?