Geothermal and Hospitals – The Perfect Energy Partners

Exterior of a hopsital Emergency Room lit up at night

It’s true, as a hospital you can lower both gas and water consumption and decrease health damaging CO2 emissions. How? By simply incorporating optimized geothermal energy into your existing and new facilities. It’s that easy! As it is, healthcare costs and risks are high enough. No hospital wants to needlessly waste money on gas and water or emit harmful CO2 to heat and cool their facility. What’s the answer? Geothermal Energy. Geothermal systems solve these issues and more if employed and used properly. A recent study of energy use by 100 Midwestern hospitals found the average usage was at two dollars and thirty-nine cents per square foot per year. The best non-geothermal was at a rate of one dollar and fifty-one cents per square foot per year. However, geothermal was the most appealing, with a rate of ninety-four cents per square foot per year. It really doesn’t take a brain surgeon to see that incorporating geothermal systems into the operation of a hospital is a better economic and healthcare practice all the way around. Better energy use means time and money can be spent on things that really matter – like patient care. Geothermal certainly sounds like a life-saving change.