Category: Products

  • Geothermal and the US Military – Working Together

    Geothermal and the US Military – Working Together

    US military installations support the troops protecting America’s people and our National interests at home and abroad.
    The US Energy Department has been attempting to trim the Federal government’s annual energy bill and is actively working with our military bases to reach specific energy and greenhouse gas reduction targets.
    An important function on any military base is to provide adequate housing for our personnel. Over time, some bases have found that their existing barracks are no longer sufficient to accommodate their personnel needs. As they look to renovate and add new buildings to these bases, the US military is turning to geothermal to handle their comfort air needs, with some renovations using multiple borefields.
    Greensleeves assisted in some of these renovations that utilized multiple borefields. The controls software runs the systems using an optimized sequence to meet the needs of the personnel, ensure the thermal battery remains at ideal capacity, while reducing pumping costs and overall system energy consumption.

    Optimizing our US military installations – one more way our US military and Department of Energy are fulfilling today’s mission at less cost for a better future.

  • Geo at the Farm

    Geo at the Farm

    Farms are not just for crops anymore. Theyre also an ideal location for a geothermal system. Why? Because theres plenty of available land. This allows the end user to inexpensively take advantage of geothermal energy: the best energy source. How? By using a horizontally excavated field. Compared to vertically drilled borefields, horizontal fields are extremely cost competitive and installation is very simple. It is done through bulk excavation or trenches that are dug to a depth of 6 to 10 feet, piping is then placed at the bottom, and the original soil is backfilled into the trench. Your borefield is then ready to be used, as is the original crop field. 

     How can geothermal systems be used on the farm? They have numerous applications in the farming environment such as the use of heat for the drying of agricultural products, the production of hot water for clean-up purposes, and the ability to keep poultry and cattle barns cool (or heated) to promote animal health, safety, and treatment. 

     Using geothermal technology in the farming industry allows farmers to take greater advantages of the resources available to them, increase their production, and reduce their costs and greenhouse gases. Its a no brainer to multi-purpose farmland to take advantage of geothermal technology. Wouldnt you agree? 

  • Borefield Rescue

    Borefield Rescue

    What do you do if your geothermal borefield is failing?

    Don’t panic; modern technology can help rescue your borefield.

    A properly designed borefield should give you years of indoor air comfort. Unaccounted for changes in building use, climate and global warming impacts and numerous unforseen events, however, can result in borefield temperature issues.
    Historically, engineers did not have the tools to help borefields evolve with the changes. The standard solutions were adding extra borefeet, oversized cooling towers and/or redundant boilers. These fixes may have worked, but they came with an expensive price tag. At least they were better than totally abandoning the borefield.

    Modern technology takes into account previous and future unexpected changes and makes your borefield good as new. Actual historical building data should be analyzed to determine the appropriate size cooling tower or boiler needed to bring the borefield into normal temperature range. Once properly sized equipment is installed, software will use this historical data in conjunction with real time data to optimize the equipment to maintain proper borefield temperatures going forward. Additionally, by using Controls software to optimize the system, energy costs and CO2 emissions are reduced, water consumption is lowered, and unexpected future changes are automatically accounted for.

    Don’t abandon your borefield or add oversized equipment when a better solution is readily available.
    Rescue your borefield, optimize your system, and stay cool for years to come.

  • Geothermal Optimization Software vs BAS static software.

    Geothermal Optimization Software vs BAS static software.

    Does your building use a Building Automation System? Many BAS systems have static geothermal controls that allow the technician to run equipment on a timed schedule allowing you to save on energy and lower your utility bills.

    Our Products

  • GS Connect Controls

    GS Connect Controls



    GS Connect Controls uses predictive building controls to help maximize the performance of commercial geothermal systems. Predictive controls are a control method that continuously updates and changes depending on the historic and current loads the building is experiencing. GS Controls learns the actual building use over time, adapts to these patterns and optimizes the interplay between the ground heat exchanger and the hybrid components resulting in lower energy consumption. This allows for minimized equipment runtime with maximized energy savings

  • GS Connect Monitor

    GS Connect Monitor



    GS Connect Monitoring provides owners and engineers with a dashboard that shows them live system data and analyzes trends that identify the current and future health of their system. With both new and existing systems, Monitoring provides contemporaneous peace of mind that the system was correctly designed, installed, and the equipment is working properly.

    GS Connect Monitoring was developed for instances when a building owner or engineer would like to keep track of what is going on inside of a building. The use of this Monitoring package is important for both new and existing buildings.

  • GS Connect Overview

    GS Connect Overview


    Out of sight doesn’t mean out of mind.


    While geothermal systems work underground to harness energy, Greensleeves works everywhere to protect the owner’s investment.


    With the GS Connect program, Greensleeves remotely monitors the borefield’s performance – checking for issues like temperature shifts. Since borefields are unique, GS Connect evaluates them to choose the appropriate measures to resolve any concerns.


    By optimizing the operation of various system components GS Connect reduces the time required to correct any imbalance.  The program also provides the required instructions to ensure the system operates efficiently.  End result? Reducing energy costs.


    Greensleeves offers clients the security of monitoring their geothermal heat pump systems’ functionality. By tracking and analyzing performance issues, GS Connect solves problems by providing a solution.