Geothermal Energy in Retirement Facilities

Retirement facilities are a popular choice for many of our aging family members. And, just like most households, our family members in retirement facilities have unique heating and cooling needs based on their own body chemistry and health. This is precisely why some healthcare retirement facilities provide each residential unit with independent heating and air-conditioning controls. Some of these facilities still use through-the-wall units that sit under the window to draw fresh air inside and emit CO2 outside. They are ugly, noisy, inefficient, costly, and pollute our environment. They’re not an advantage to anyone.

What other alternatives are there to regulate the heating and cooling environment in a retirement facility?

As an example, geothermal and hybrid geothermal systems can bring fresh air through rooftop units for enhanced residential comfort at less cost, reduced noise and with fewer harmful emissions. Why settle for a system that offers so many negatives when there is a choice that offers so much more – and costs less?