Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

What are the benefits of using artificial intelligence (AI) software in the operation of your geothermal heating and cooling system?

The application of AI software in the operation and use of your geothermal heating and cooling system transforms it into a smarter, more efficient, easier to operate a system, and has the potential to save you money.

How does this happen? AI software is constantly learning. During day-to-day operation, the software is gathering and logging data, learning about the specific environment, and adjusting for the fluctuations of that environment to maintain indoor air comfort. This, in effect, makes your system smarter in year two of its operation than it was during year one. Why’s that? The system starts out with little to no information when it begins to operate. As the system operates, AI software continually gathers information and adds to its “intelligence”. It can then access large data sets and use that information to operate optimally. By learning historical usage patterns and how to deal with the real-time conditions that are present, the AI software adjusts to maintain the desired building temperature. It adapts. It adjusts. It learns.

Artificial intelligence software also makes your system easier to use because it is not dependent on a maintenance professional to be present to flip a switch or plug something in. The system can be monitored and /or controlled remotely, by a phone or smart device so that adjustments can be made quickly and from anywhere. Additionally, AI software is programmed to alert you to potential trouble spots if and when they occur, so you don’t continue to operate a system that is not working at its peak.

Employing the use of artificial intelligence software in the operation of your geothermal heating and cooling system is the perfect way to create a system that operates smarter, easier and saves money.